

2095 Uppsatser om The light source - Sida 1 av 140

Cone. En armatur som bärs upp av sin egen ljuskägla.

Inspired by how to sketch a light cone from a flashlight in a comic I wanted to create an armature carried only by its own light cone. To manage this challenge I sketched in an architectural and sculptural way, where I chose to ignore the function of the lamp as long as possible.As a result I developed an armature with a stunning shape, with an illusion that it was carried by its own light cone. It could be hanged on a wall, placed on a table, pushed against a ceiling or standing on the floor.Depending of its size the light cone from The light source lightens up the surface and draws attention to the otherwise forgotten wallpaper or the undisposed statue in the darkness of the city..

Armaturfamilj med LED som ljuskälla

This report describes a project, which was carried out as a final thesis covering 30 ECTS during the final semester of the Master of Science programme Industrial Design. The assignment was issued by Fagerhults Belysning AB in Habo. The assignment was to design a family of products in which LED was to be used as a source of light. The main focus in the initial part of the project was to find a way to design the inside of armature which was suitable for LED technology. An armature, already in the range of products at Fagerhult, with the desired qualities that was to be strived after was the Zintra. The lighting source of the Zintra is a compact fluorescent lamp.

Fogar i prefabricerade betongelement

This report describes a project, which was carried out as a final thesis covering 30 ECTS during the final semester of the Master of Science programme Industrial Design. The assignment was issued by Fagerhults Belysning AB in Habo. The assignment was to design a family of products in which LED was to be used as a source of light. The main focus in the initial part of the project was to find a way to design the inside of armature which was suitable for LED technology. An armature, already in the range of products at Fagerhult, with the desired qualities that was to be strived after was the Zintra. The lighting source of the Zintra is a compact fluorescent lamp.

Lysande rör, rörligt ideal : belysningsbranschens introducerande av lysröret i Sverige

During the 1930´s the hot potato for the Swedish lighting associations were how to create the most suitable light for every situation, either for industries, offices or homes. The light bulb were the most frequently used source of light but due to limitied luminous intensity, big halls sometimes required up to hundreds of light bulbs to produce the right amount of light. Two kinds of different lights, by different reasons, can be titled the predecessors of the fluorescent lighting during the 1930´s: The volfram-filament tube light due to its estetic similarities and the electric discharge (mercury- and sodium-) lamps due to its technical resemblance. Even though they came in quite wide use (the volfram tube in public halls (e. g.


Lumilos is a work investigating the possibilities to use light and color in an interactive design context. I have explored different light sources and compared them to each other and given a short description of the history of light and how it has been developed during the industrialization in the western world. I have also investigated what is currently done in the field and summarized that with examples in the categories passive-, colored-, material- and interactive light. The conclusion is that working with interactive color and light is a hard task. There are many different angles to take into account such as personal likings and earlier experiences that is uncontrollable by the designer. Yet there are many possibilities and light is a material that is moldable in many forms. I have put the knowledge about light and color into practice and developed an interactive light wall that is visualizing energy consumption with the use of different colors of light and animations.

Effect of low light intensities on dairy cows? behavior

The animal welfare act in Sweden states that dairy cows need to have at least a dim light present at night, but there are no recommendations for what intensity the light should have. It is unknown how cows perceive and react to low light intensities and earlier studies on this topic are limited. Red light as night light has also been suggested, based on the cows? inability to perceive red light. This have however been questioned. The aim with this study was to investigate how four different light intensities affect dairy cows behavior.

The cow eye-Function and effect of light on milk yield

The purpose of this review was to study the cow eye physiology, focusing on how it registers light, and to see how light affects the cow?s milk yield. It has been showed in studies that more hours of light per day (16 hours of light a day) as opposed to about 9-12 hours of light a day, increases milk yield for dairy cows. This review contains suggestions on how this is connected with the physiology of the eye. Vision is an important sense for many mammals, and is used to check out the animals surroundings. Sensor cells in the eyeball help in turning photons from the light into signals to the brain.

Produktionsanpassning av värmelisten Stayhot

AbstractMy task was to prepare the already designed heating list ?Stayhot? for manufacturing.I started with drawing the whole list in the CAD-program. It became obvious that some of the designed components had to be changed to work in practice.A turnable reflector couldn?t be combined with the isolation. The suggested light emitting diodes wouldn?t give enough light, so I cut them out and the problem with light remains to be solved.

En jämförelse mellan ljus baserat i naturalism och pictorialism : En studie om ljussättning i spel

In this study, we investigate various lighting applications in a virtual environment, where we compare between light based in naturalism (natural light) and pictorialism (artistic light). The purpose of this study is to gain further knowledge in lighting, which is increasingly important for game graphics. Theory are examined to gather information and recommendations on how to use various light settings that convey different emotions. We then use this information to illuminate the environment that we have built. The environment is presented in Unreal 4 for respondents who are allowed to move around freely in the environment.

Open Source i svenska folkbibliotek

Syftet med uppsatsen är att sammanställa vad Open Source är och försöka kartlägga hur användningen av Open Source-program ser ut på de svenska folkbiblioteken.Jag tittar även på vilka Open Source-program som kan vara aktuella för ett bibliotek att titta närmare på. Resultatet visar att Open Source inte används i någon större utsträckning men att man är positivt inställd till rörelsen. Några få program har börjat användas men man är orolig för hur supporten fungerar för Open Source-program, sen verkar biblioteken inte ha någon större kontroll över vilka program som faktiskt används utan är styrda av de regler som kommunens IT-avdelning har satt upp..

De norska grottmålningarna och ljuset

The relation between the cave and the circumpolar light conditions has long been a part of the interpretation of the meaning of the Norwegian cave art. This paper explores the relationship by trading the concept of a sensory dichotomy between light and darkness for that of a perceptual relationship between the paintings, the environment and the light..

En undersökning av ljus av ljus - den omvända skuggbildningen

This work is an exploration of a method and how to find balance between it and its contents. One part consists of a technical study on how to use UV light to yellow distinct surfaces on paper and the other is about how to find use of the method. The common denominator is determined as the consequence of the relationship between light and time. The result is three images that shows various traces of time with time as a graphic expression..

Effects of two different light programs on milk yield, prolactin, IGF-1 and sleep in dairy cows

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep, photoperiod, milk yield and hormones connected to milk formation. Variations of prolactin (PRL) and Insulin-Like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in plasma were measured during two different light programs. The light programs consisted of either 24 hours of light (L24:D0) or four hours of light and 20 hours of darkness (L4:D20). Five cows of the Swedish Red breed were used in a cross-over experiment and each light program consisted of five days. Milk yield was measured at every milking and milk samples were analyzed with regard to fat, lactose and protein.

Inte en glödlampa LED-armatur 35000 timmar till, Not a lightbulb LED luminaire 35000 hours more

Uppsatsen behandlar belysningsarmaturer inom LED-segmentet. Uppsatsen behandlar i synnerhet varför ljuskällan i LED-belysningsarmaturer oftast konstrueras så att ljuskällorna inte är utbytbara. Metoder som har använts i förstudien har varit; informationssökning, kvalitativa intervjuer, teknisk LED-modulsinventering samt konstruktionsundersökningar. Metoder som använts i produktutvecklingsfasen har varit; tekniska informationsstudier, Idéinventering genom visuell idégenerering, imageboards och skissprocess (att tänka med en penna). Syftet med projektet har varit att utveckla en LED-armatur med utbytbar ljuskälla. Projektets resultat blev en LED-golvarmatur med utbytbar ljuskälla. Ljuskällan som används i armaturen är enligt den unga branschfrivilliga standarden för LED-moduler, Zhaga..

P?m?rkning vid virkesberedning - Bastning. Ett hantverksf?rs?k

This essay aims to investigate a rare method of marking up timber before hewing it. The method for marking up timber is by eyesight, where visual judgment and the use of a broad axe are the tools employed. The broad axe is driven through the bark and exposes the inner bark in a straight line. The method is described by a craftsperson dating back to the 1930s. There is a lack of information regarding the method.

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